Yazar "Belli, F." için listeleme
Android uygulaması testi için ideal test ön çalışması
Mercan, G.; Akgunduz, E.; Kilincceker, O.; Challenger, M.; Belli, F. (CEUR-WS, 2018)This paper proposes a hybrid method combining well-known holistic test and mutation testing in software testing for Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing of an android application. Moreover, this hybrid method satisfies ... -
Coverage-oriented, prioritized testing-a fuzzy clustering approach and case study
Belli, F.; Eminov, M.; Gökçe, N. (Springer Verlag, 2007)Existing test techniques focus on particular, relevant aspects of the requirements of the system under test (SUT). Real-life SUTs have, however, numerous features to simultaneously be considered, often leading to a large ... -
Event-based GUI testing and reliability assessment techniques An experimental insight and preliminary results
Belli, F.; Beyazit, M.; Güler, N. (2011)It is widely accepted that graphical user interfaces (GUIs) highly affect-positive or negative-the quality and reliability of human-machine systems. In spite of this fact, quantitative assessment of the reliability of GUIs ... -
Grafiksel Kullanici Arayüzleri Için Düzenli Iade Bazli Test Kapsama Kriterleri
Kilinççeker, O.; Belli, F. (CEUR-WS, 2017)Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) are popular for enabling comfortable user interactions (UI) of computer-based systems with users. This paper introduces a new approach for modeling GUIs with regular expresion (RE), and ... -
Layer-centric testing
Belli, F.; Güler, N.; Linschulte, M. (VDE Verlag GmbH, 2011)Model-based testing attempts to generate test cases from a model focusing on relevant aspects of a given system under consideration (SUC). When SUC becomes too large to be modeled in a single step, existing design techniques ... -
Model-based selective layer-centric testing
Belli, F.; Dincer, N.G.; Linschulte, M.; Tuglular, T. (Information Processing Society of Japan, 2018)Model-based testing of large systems usually requires decomposition of the model into hierarchical submodels for generating test sequences, which fulfills the goals of module testing, but not those of system testing. System ... -
Statistical evaluation of test sets using mutation analysis
Belli, F.; Beyazit, M.; Hollmann, A.; Güler, N. (2011)Evaluation of the ability of test sets for fault detection, and indirectly also evaluation of the quality of test techniques that generate those test sets, have become more of an issue in software testing. Based on mutation ... -
Test prioritization at different modeling levels
Validation of real-life software systems often leads to a large number of tests; which, due to time and cost constraints, cannot exhaustively be run. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the test cases in accordance ...