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dc.contributor.authorAvaroğulları, Muhammet
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada Sosyal Bilimler ve Anadolu İmam Hatip Liselerinde zorunlu olarak verilen ve diğer orta öğretim kurumlarında da seçmeli ders olarak yer alan Osmanlı Türkçesi dersini lisans dönemlerinde öğrenen Tarih, Türk dili ve Edebiyatı ve Çağdaş Türk lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları bölümlerinden mezun ve halihazırda pedagojik formasyon sertifika programına kayıtlı öğretmen adaylarının konuyla ilgili görüşleri araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile Osmanlı Türkçesi dersi ile ilgili kamuoyunda ve eğitim profesyonelleri arasında yaşanan tartışmaya katkıda bulunulacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın ikinci bir amacı ise sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerine, sosyal bilgilerin geleneklerinden olan sosyal bilimler geleneği ile ilgili örnek bir çalışma sunmaktır. Bu çalışma 2014- 2015 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Pedagojik Formasyon Sertifika Programına katılan Tarih, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı ve Çağdaş Türk Lehçeleri lisans programlarından mezun olmuş, 35 farklı üniversiteden 173 öğretmen adayının katılımıyla Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre öğretmen adayları Osmanlı Türkçesi dersinin liselerde zorunlu yerine seçmeli olmasını verilmesini desteklemelerine karşın daha alt öğretim kademelerinde ise ne zorunlu ne de seçmeli olarak öğretilmesini desteklemişlerdir. Yine araştırma bulgularına göre Öğretmen adaylarının bu görüşleri üzerinde desteklemiş oldukları siyasi partilerce savunulan görüşlerin etkili olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca öğretmen adayları kendilerini Osmanlı Türkçesi derslerini vermek için yeterli hissettiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Ancak araştırmada öğretmen adayları okuma becerileri bakımından yeterli bulunmakla beraber yazma becerileri bakımından yetersiz bulunmuştur. Osmanlı Türkçesi ile ilgili olarak Üniversitelerde verilen eğitimin alternatif yaklaşımlarla zenginleştirilmesi önerilmiştiren_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to reveal opinions of teacher candidates, who are graduated from History, Turkish Language and Literature, and Contemporary Turkish Dialects departments and who are enrolled a pedagogical certificate program and who took courses regarding Ottoman Language which is taught compulsorily at Social Sciences High Schools and Anatolian Religious Vocational High Schools and electively at other secondary schools. Thus, contributing to the discussion among education professionals and general public about Ottoman Language is considered. Providing social studies teachers who adopt the social sciences tradition with information about how to handle a current event in the clasroom is aimed secondarily. This study has been conducted in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University with participation of 173 teacher candidates who graduated from History, Turkish Language and Literature, and Contemporary Turkish Dialects departments of 35 different universities and enrolled in pedagogical certificate program of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in 2014 – 2015 educational year. According to findings of the study teacher candidates support the idea that Ottoman language course should be elective at high schools instead of being compulsory. On the other hand they think that this course should not be offered at middle schools or primary schools either compulsorily or electively. Additionally the findings indicate that opinions of teacher candidates are affected by views of the political parties. Furthermore the teacher candidates state that they feel themselves sufficient to teach Ottoman language course. Yet this study reveals that although their reading skills are satisfactory, their writing skills are quite distant from being so. It is recommended that universities should enrich their education regarding Ottoman language with alternative approaches In parallel with spread of public schooling in Ottoman Empire the idea that Arab alphabet was not practicable in terms of teaching literacy had become prevalent too. Problems arising due to use of Arab alphabet had been noticed by Ottoman intellectuals and statesmen. Apart from a small group of intellectuals who think that there should not be any alteration regarding the alphabet or it should be very limited if it is necessary, many thought differently in the Second Constitutionalist Period (1908-1918). According to them, learning literacy with Arab alphabet was difficult, standardization at spelling did not occur, foreigners was not willing to learn our language, and even the educated were unable to read an article without making mistakes. These debates continued at the Republic Era as well with idea of replacing Arab alphabet with a Latin based one gaining more support and ended with acceptance of Latin based the New Turkish Alphabet at November 1st 1928. Acceptance of the New Turkish alphabet was followed by the concerns regarding how to read Turkish literature created with Arab Alphabet. For this purpose some undergraduate level education at particularly history, Turkish language and literature and contemporary Turkish dialects departments of universities has started. Furthermore Ottoman language course has been offered compulsorily at social sciences high schools. The issue became main topic of conversation in the country because of a decision of the curriculum commission of 19th National Education Council which requires teaching of Ottoman Turkish course at all secondary schools compulsorily. However, as a result of a request for change proposal at the general assembly of the council the decision has modified as making Ottoman Turkish course for the Anatolian Religious Vocational High Schools like it is for Social Sciences High schools. The issue disused widely among general public and political leaders expressed their views. Lack of studies targeting views of professionals graduated from departments of history, Turkish language and literature, and contemporary Turkish dialects who were the most educated group of the nation about Ottoman language can be asserted as a deficiency amidst this cheated debate. Thus the purpose of this study is to reveal the opinions of the professionals who educated formally about Ottoman language. In this framework (1) opinions of teacher candidates graduated from aforementioned departments regarding being Ottoman Turkish course a compulsory or elective course at high schools, middle schools and primary schools, and their perception of self-sufficiency (2) Whether or not their opinions differentiate depending on undergraduate department, how long the participants know Ottoman language, political party preference, and number of courses taken regarding Ottoman language has been tried to be revealed. Providing social studies teachers who prefer social sciences tradition with information about how to handle a current event in the clasroom is aimed secondarily. Method This is a descriptive study. The data has been collected through the survey method and analyzed with the SPSS program. The study took place with the participation of 173 teacher candidates who graduated from departments of history, Turkish language and literature and Contemporary Turkish dialects and enrolled at pedagogical formation certificate program at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. The data collected through a survey instrument developed by the researchers. The instrument consists of three parts. The first part aims to collect personal information about the participants. This include graduated undergraduate program and the university, number of courses taken regarding reading and writing of Ottoman language, the time they learn Ottoman language, and the political party they support. In the second part opinions of teacher candidates regarding Ottoman Turkish course have been asked. Teacher candidates expressed their opinions via a five point likert scale where 1= strongly disagree and 5= strongly agree. The last part of the instrument aims to measure reading and writing skills of teacher candidates in Ottoman language. In this part the teacher candidates provided with a 20 word printed text written with the New Turkish Alphabet and they were requested to re-write the text with Arab Alphabet. Additionally they were given an 8 word text written with Arab alphabet and asked to re-write it with the New Turkish Alphabet. The data analyzed with SPSS program. Findings and Discussion According to the result of the study, the participants approved the Ottoman Turkish course being taught only at high schools and electively with a approval rate over % 50. They objected the course being taught at middle schools and primary schools either compulsorily or electively with the rates of over % 50. It is understood that the course is advised to be an elective course because its being elective is rated more than its being compulsory at all three level of education. Teacher candidates expressed that they find themselves satisfactory for teaching Ottoman Turkish course. It has been found that their sill of reading printed text is sufficient. Yet it has been found that they are unable to write in Ottoman language. Furthermore, the teacher candidates state that Latin based New Turkish alphabet is better than Arab Alphabet for teaching literacy in Turkish. Additionally the findings reveal that their views are affected by the views of political party they support. Their views affected partly by the department they graduated as well. History majors support the idea that Ottoman Turkish should be taught compulsorily at high schools significantly more than Turkish language and literature majors do. As a conclusion this study revealed that Teacher candidates who received formal education about Ottoman language approve this course only at high school level and electively. This course found not suitable for middle schools and primary schools. On the other hand it has been found that teacher candidates who will teach this course potentially suffer from deficiencies in terms of writing with Arab alphabet. Thus it is advisable that treatments regarding writing with Arab alphabet in related departments of universities should be enriched and new approaches for the solution of the problem, such as various workshops, should be considered.en_US
dc.titleOrtaöğretim Kurumlarında Okutulan Osmanlı Türkçesi Dersine İlişkin Öğretmen Adaylarının Görüşleri ve Bu Görüşleri Etkileyen Değişkenleren_US
dc.item-title.alternativeOpinions of Teacher Candidates Regarding Ottoman Turkish Courses And Variables Affecting These Opinionsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTempYrd. Doç. Dr. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi İlköğretim Bölümü, El-mek:en_US
dc.relation.journalTurkish Studies (Elektronik)en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanen_US

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