Edebiyat Fakültesi
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Haydar Efendi'nin İran Sefaretnamesi]
(Sabit Dokuyan, 2023)In the history of diplomacy, which lasted for centuries from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire to its collapse, the tradition of writing sefaretname (the book of embassy) about the activities of the ambassadors was ... -
70. Tracking civility and westernization through the performances of the characters in Pride and Prejudice and Aşk-ı Memnu
(Yakup YILMAZ, 2023)This study investigates the transition of Western culture into the late Ottoman society and the traces of westernisation through cultural performances and performances of culture in private and public life. Since the concept ... -
Milas Kazası Vakıflarının İdarî ve Malî Durumları [Vakıf Kayıtlarına Göre / 1848-1885]
(Selim Hilmi Ozkan, 2022)Wakfs have an important place in the development and growth of cities in the Ottoman State. Especially in city centers the maintenance, repair and basic needs of buildings for public benefit were met by means of wakf ... -
Çine’de Bir Kaya Kütlesi İçinde Yer Alan ‘İsa’nın Doğumu’ Sahnesi Üzerine İncelemeler
(ISTANBUL UNIV, 2023)The village of Dinecik in the cine district of Turkiye's Aydin province has a single scene depicting the birth of Jesus among the Byzantine wall paintings on the mass rock. This depiction of the Nativity of Jesus is the ... -
Modern Harp Teknolojilerine Ayak Uydurmak: Hafif Silah Üretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Maksadıyla Yurtdışına Gönderilen Osmanlı Askerî Personeli (1834-1918
(ISTANBUL 29 MAYIS UNIV & ISAM, 2023)In the Ottoman Empire, the idea of sending students abroad for education first came to the fore in the first half of the eighteenth century. The plan, which was able to be implemented in the second half of the same century, ... -
The Historical, Topographic and Architectural Definitions of "GELaNDEMAUER" City Walls in Karia
(MERSİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ KILIKIA ARKEOLOJİSİNİ ARAŞTIRMA MERKEZİ, 2023)In the early 4th Century BC, the systematical constructions of 'Gelandemauer' city walls began in Karia under the Hekatomnid rule. Henceforth, 'Gelandemauer' city walls became the most advanced and sophisticated fortification ... -
A Rite of Passage in Shakespeare’s LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST: 5.2.786-806
(Routledge, 2023)In the last scene of Love’s Labour’s Lost, after the news of the death of the King of France reaches the Princess, ... -
A Criticism of the British Left in Trevor Griffiths's The Party in Light of '68 Paris Student Riots
(ISTANBUL UNIV, 2022)Among the political playwrights of the post-war British drama, Trevor Griffiths is known for his commitment to socialist ideals and his continuous search for an ideal social(ist) structure in his works. Coming from a ... -
Nesne Anlatıcının Klasik Türk Edebiyatından Postmodern Edebiyata Serüveni ve Bir Aryballos Hikâyesi
(Rector CIU Cyprus Int Univ, 2023)All narrative-based texts are essentially based on a '' plot '' and a '' narrator ''. The story ' s interpretation, the language used in the story, and the author's style are not independent from the narrator where the ... -
Tarih Söylemi Çevirisini İlgilendiren Sözlüksel Sorunlara İlişkin Bir Durum İncelemesi
(ISTANBUL UNIV, 2023)This study discusses the difficulties encountered at the lexical level when translating historiographical texts dealing with certain periods of Turkish history. For this purpose, the paper first explains the concept of ... -
Horse breeding studies in the ottoman empire between the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century (1800-1920)
(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2023)The Turks were the first to tame the horse. With horses, they spread over large areas in a short time. They took the Central Asian horse with them to the new lands they went to. The Seljuks brought this horse with them to ... -
Kültürlerarası Bir İmgenin Yenidenyazımı: Otuz Kuş
(Mehmet ÖZDEMİR, 2022)En az bir altmetin ile bir anametnin ilişkisinden söz edebileceğimiz metinlerarasılık, edebî bir metnin bir başka metne anlam yüklü gönderme yapmasıdır. Metinlerarasılık, aynı zamanda bir yenidenyazımdır. Yenidenyazım, bir ... -
(Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 2022)Osmanlı Devleti bünyesinde sadık millet olarak bilinen Ermeniler Tanzimat Fermanı ve Islahat Fermanı’nın azınlıklara getirdiği hakları kullanarak 1863 yılında dönemin padişahına Ermeni Milleti Nizamnamesini onaylattı. Ancak ... -
Jürgen Habermas'ın Müzakereci Demokrasi Teorisi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Talepleri
(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2022)Batılı demokrasilerde etnik, din, ırk, toplumsal cinsiyet ve cinsel yönelim temelli gruplara mensup bireyler, kolektif farklılıklarının kamusal alanda tanınması yönündeki taleplerini dile getirmektedirler. Biz bu çalışmada, ... -
Ali Cengiz Oyunu çözüldü mü?
(Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 2022)Masal öncesi söylenen tekerlemeler, söz söyleme becerisinden fantastik hoşluklardan, sözün anlam derinliklere doğru yol alan bir “ön söz” oluşturur: “Bir varmış bir yokmuş…” -
Melgunov’a Göre 19. Yüzyılda İran’da Türkmen Boyları
(Ahmet Yesevi University, 2022)By travelling to Iran in 1860, Grigory Valerianovich Melgunov conducted research in the region where Turkmens lived and published his travel book in Russia. In his book, the settlements of the Turkmen living on the southern ... -
Hayatın Teatral İz Düşümü: Oyun Kültür Benlik Türk Halk Kültüründe Geleneğin “Temsil”leri
(Mehmet ÖZDEMİR, 2022)Genel itibarıyla kolektif bir icrayı çağrıştıran oyun, kültürün şekillenmesinde rol sahibidir. Ancak bundan daha önce, varoluşun güçlü bir parçası, bireyi oluşturan temel bir fenomendir. Gerek kültür yapıcı olması, gerekse ... -
Late Antique / Byzantine Architectural Sculpture from Mucuk Village, Silifke
(ISTANBUL UNIV, 2022)During explorations carried out as part of the "Goksu Archaeological Project" in 2006, numerous elements of architectural sculpture were recorded in the vicinity of the houses and mosque of Mucuk village and in the walls ... -
The Neolithic dualist scheme
(Univerza v Ljubljani, 2022)The monumental twin steles of Göbekli Tepe are one in a long series of isomorphic compositions in Neolithic symbolism. Seemingly tracing back to the Palaeolithic, symmetry likely played a fundamental role for prehistoric ... -
From Treason to Throne: Romanos Diogenes IV
(TURK TARIH KURUMU, 2022)Eastern Rome, also known as the Byzantine Empire, has survived for centuries thanks to its powerful army that has managed to adapt to the requirements of the age. During the reign of Romanos Diogenes IV (1068-1071), this ...