The purpose of the present study is to investigate the pre-service science teachers perception of greenhouse effect in terms of its effects, causes and possible solutions on the basis of the variables of gender, grade level and the state of whether taking an environmental course or not. The study is a descriptive study designed in the survey model. It was conducted with the participation of 90 first-year and fourth-year students selected through random sampling from among the students attending the Department of Science Teaching at the Education Faculty of Mugla Sitki Kocman University in 2013-2014 academic year. As data collection instruments, an Information Form and the Greenhouse Effect Scale were employed. It was found that the pre-service science teachers opinions about the possible solutions of greenhouse effect do not vary significantly depending on gender, grade level and the state of whether taking an environmental course or not; yet, the opinions about the causes of greenhouse effect vary significantly depending on these variables. While their opinions about the effects of greenhouse effect vary significantly depending on gender, they do not depend on grade level and the state of whether taking an environmental course or not.