Determination of information resources of earthen pond fish farmers in Milas district, Mugla province, Turkey
This study aimed to identify the main sources of information for earthen pond fish farmers in the Milas district of Mugla province. The main materials were obtained from 56 earthen pond fish farmers, constituting 39% of all earthen pond fish farmers in the study area. Results show that earthen pond fish farmers' own knowledge and experiences are regarded as important information resources. Probit models were used to determine the factors affecting the information acquisition decisions of earthen pond fish farmers. PC/internet usage had positive significant effect on earthen pond fish farmers' information acquisition decisions related to fish feeding. In contrast, earthen pond fish farmers' education level, and earthen pond fish farming experience had negative significant effect. Earthen pond fish farming experience had negative significant effect on earthen pond fish farmers' information acquisition decisions related to fish disease and pest control. Earthen pond fish farming experience, credit usage and reading newspapers had negative significant effect on earthen pond fish farmers' information acquisition decisions related to pond maintenance. Earthen pond fish farming experience, participation in the seminars about earthen pond fish farming and listening radio had positive significant effect on earthen pond fish farmers' information acquisition decisions related to fish marketing. In contrast, number of earthen ponds had negative significant effect.