Is there any relation between umbilical artery and vein diameter and estimated fetal weight in healthy pregnant women?
The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between umbilical vessel diameter and estimated fetal weight (EFW) and other fetal biometric parameters, and to assess the role of umbilical vessel diameter in prediction of EFW. Umbilical vein/umbilical artery (UV/UA) ratio and its relation to EFW were also examined. A prospective study was designed to assess the sonographic diameter of UA and UV in 720 low-risk pregnant women at 20-40 weeks' gestation. Fetal biometry, EFW, and umbilical vessel measurements were performed. There were strong correlations between umbilical vessel diameter versus gestational age and EFW. Umbilical vessel diameters increased linearly up to 34 weeks, after which they plateaued. No relation was found between EFW versus UV/UA ratio and gestational age versus UV/UA. Based on these findings, it is not possible at present to recommend the use of umbilical vessel diameters for prediction of EFW after 34 weeks, but it may be helpful under 34 weeks. UV/UA ratio is not useful for prediction and management of complicated pregnancies.