Interconnected Grıd Flıght Network Model for Corporate Sustaınabılıty in Aırlınes
Anadolu Üniversitesi dünyada uluslararası bir havalimanını kendi başına işleten tek üniversitedir. Bu bağlamda Anadolu Üniversitesi tarafından işletilen Hasan Polatkan Havalimanı kapsamında yapılan araştırma "kamu kaynaklarının kamu yararına daha yüksek kapasiteli kullanılması" fikrine dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile Anadolu Üniversitesinin konumu, imkânları, güvenlik seviyesi, şehir merkezi avantajları ve sağladığı destekler açısından havayolu şirketlerine yeni bir alternatif olarak, optimum bir pazar sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Sürdürülebilirlik için dizayn edilen bağlantılı uçuş ağı modelinin seçimi ve uygulanabilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi süreci, havacılık sektöründe çeşitli paydaşların optimizasyonunu gerekli bir hedef olarak ortaya çıkarmakta bu ise ölçülmesi zor faktörleri içermektedir. Bu nedenle bu faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve analizi, çok kriterli karar verme problemi olarak ele alınmıştır. Ağ modelleri oluşturulmasında belirli kriterler göz önüne alınarak ve analiz kriterleri arasındaki ilişki ve etkileşim nedeniyle Analitik Ağ Süreci Yöntemine dayalı fayda, fırsat, maliyet ve risk kriterleri olarak tanımlanan BOCR kriterleri kullanılmıştır. Uçuş ağı senaryolarının değerlendirilmesinin sonucu olarak, en iyi alternatifin Eskişehir-İstanbul-Köln Bir diğer önemli sonuç, Almanya'nın çalışmaya dahil olan tüm şehirler için sürdürülebilirlik açısından yüksek bir potansiyele sahip olmasıdır. Sunulan 13 senaryoda, Brüksel hattının niteliklerinin düzenli seferler niteliğinde sınıflandırıldığı bununla birikte Prag hattının diğer seçeneklere kıyasla daha az avantajlı olduğu görülmüştür. Benzer şekilde, değerlendirmeler ve analizlerin sonuçlarına gore, Atina üzerinden Köln'e, Eskişehir'den bağlantılı yapılan uçuşların diğer senaryolar kadar etkili olmadığı görülmüştür Anadolu University is the only university in the world operating an international airport of its own. With this concept, Research carried out within the scope of the Hasan Polatkan Airport operated by Anadolu University is based on the idea of “Using public resources with higher capacity for public benefit”. Thanks to this study, it is aimed to present new emerging optimum market to airlines. It will be new alternative with full opportunities in view of place, facilities, security level, city based advantages, supports of Anadolu University. The assessment and selection of the applicability of the developed interconnected flight model for sustainability has been dealt with as a multi-criteria decision problem, in which there are factors that are difficult to quantify and the optimizing of various stakeholders in the aviation sector is a necessary objective. In the construction of network models, specific criteria have been considered and the analysis have been based on BOCR criteria, which are defined as benefit, opportunity, cost and risk criteria based on the Analytical Network Process method, because of the relationship and interaction between the criteria. As a result of evaluation of the flight network scenarios, it is figured out that the best alternative is Eskişehirİstanbul-Cologne (AOE-IST-CLG). Another notable result is that Germany has a high potential for sustainability for all of its cities included in the study. In the 13 scenarios submitted, the Brussels line has the qualities that can be characterized as a regular charter, while Prague is less advantageous compared to the other options. Similarly, the results of the evaluations and analyses show that flights to Cologne through Athens with a connection at Eskişehir are not as effective as the other scenarios Purpose: Research carried out within the scope of the Hasan Polatkan Airport operated by Anadolu University are based on the idea of “Using public resources with higher capacity for public benefit”. The aim of this study is to provide an optimal alternative for flights to be carried out from Eskişehir according to the interconnected flight network model. Design/Methodology/Approach: In this study, the analytical network process method was used. In the construction of network models, specific criteria have been considered and the analysis have been based on BOCR criteria, which are defined as benefit, opportunity, cost and risk criteria based on the Analytical Network Process method, because of the relationship and interaction between the criteria. Findings/Results/Discussion: In order to solve this problem in this study, it is suggested to select the optimum flight alternatives by following the suggested pre-selection process steps and then using the developed Analytical Network Process (ANP) model. In this study, the Analytical Network Process was chosen as the most suitable choice among the alternatives of optimum flight routes, so that the Analytical Network Processor should be able to handle all the dependencies and feedback between the criteria and the qualitative, quantitative, abstract or concrete. It is the first and most comprehensive mathematical theory that makes it possible to use all kinds of data in the decision-making process and to make decisions as a group. On the other hand, today, airlines take care about the concept of sustainability in order to ensure the continuity of their development. The concept of sustainability has been built on three main dimensions: economic, environmental and social. If the concept of sustainability is taken up for business, it turns out that in order for a corporate's development to be sustainable, it must have not only economic but also environmental and social superior performance. After determining the relationships among all the elements included in the proposed ANP model and making related connections, pairwise comparisons were made by using expert opinions and the model was synthesized and the results were obtained. According to the results obtained from the proposed ANP model, the most suitable alternative is Eskişehir-İstanbul-Cologne. As a result of talks with the Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce and Eskişehir Chamber of Industry, the concentration of demand in Turkey for international flights to Germany is tied to the fact that many activities and events (fairs, etc.) take place in Germany. As a result, the most significant contribution of this study to the aviation sector is the creation of a comprehensive and extensible ANP model in the selection of optimum flight models in terms of benefit, opportunity, cost and risk criteria for sustainable development. Another notable result is that Germany has a high potential for sustainability for all of its cities included in the project. For further research, airlines can easily use this proposed ANP model by adapting to them by changing alternatives and adding specific criteria according to their needs. As a result of this research, it is figured out that the Eskişehirİstanbul-Cologne line is the best alternative. The second best line is the Eskişehir-İzmir-Cologne line and the third best line is the Eskişehirİzmir-Frankfurt line. These are followed by the Eskişehir-İstanbul-Brussels line. It is seen that there is a demand for the Eskişehir-Brussels line, which offers direct flights. However, the high intensity of demand for the Eskişehir-Brussels line is only for around six months of the season and it does not peak throughout the year. Another notable result is that Germany has a high potential for sustainability for all of its cities included in the project. In the 13 scenarios submitted, the Brussels line has the qualities that can be characterized as a regular charter, while Prague is less advantageous compared to the other options. Similarly, the results of the evaluations and analyses show that flights to Cologne through Athens with a connection at Eskişehir are not as effective as the other scenarios. Considering current global economic conditions, as well as the current situation of the Turkish economy and the aviation sector, especially airlines, it is of utmost importance to use resources more efficiently and appropriately. This project, which has the potential to provide infrastructure for future work, has been designed to continue with new projects including other regions of the world. Research Limitations/Implications: Atatürk International Airport is the most used airport for international connected flight in Turkey. But it has also some limitations about slots and intense traffics. According to previous study which is carried out by (Küçük Yılmaz & all, 2016), it is stated that the flight models includes İstanbul and İzmir, respectively. It is taken into account previous study’s results while developing flight model suggestions. Practical Implications: As a result of completed successfully this study, it is expected that the air transportation’s potential passenger demand guidance to all airlines that will make commercial passenger flight. Connected flight network model suggestions developed in this research, provide contribution to airline’s research and development activities. Social Implications: As a result of this study, with determined the grid network flights, flights can be scheduled and this makes contribution to the city’s improvements. Proposed flights was scheduled by the cooperation with Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce and Eskişehir Chamber of Industry as a management of Eskişehir Hasan Polatkan Airport. University’s entrepreneurships will be improved and also Hasan Polatkan Airport’ using rate will be increased. Originality/Value: It is thought that with this research, Eskisehir and Airport feasibility and including current social, economic and cultural dynamics of the city, make significant contribution to academic literature and will also include capacity analysis by presenting findings belongs to Eskisehir’s airline passenger demand. It has special feature that is the first study used in analytical network process with BOCR criteria to analyze which flight connections will be the correct one for passengers, city and airlines. Since strategic decisions taken in the aviation sector have international influence and expert opinions are consulted over the course of taking strategic decisions. The analysis has been conducted, based on expert opinions and referred to these pairwise comparisons.